Call us at: (702)558-7400, send us a text at (702)496-0377 or through WhatsApp - click the Green Icon Below

Q: Do I need to be in shape to join? 
A: Absolutely not! Once you become a member, the first private training session is on us! It is our goal to help you reach your fitness goals and to make sure that the FASI experience is fun for you each time you take a class. 
Q: Can I try a class before I join? 
A: Your first class is on us! We will provide the equipment and we guarantee a fun first class for you. 
Q: What are the benefits of taking classes? 
A: There are countless numbers of benefits. Classes improve your upper and lower body strength, increase self-confidence, and help you lose weight. 
Q: Are the classes for all ages? 
A: Definitely. We have a program for everyone in the family. The moves are basic and easy to learn. We offer fitness programs for all levels and ages. 
Q: Can women train at Fasi Sports? 
A: Yes. To date, we are proud to say that 60% of our membership base are women. Fitness Muay Thai for Women remains to be the most attended class at Fasi Sports. In addition, top women athletes like pro fitness competitors Elaine Goodlad and Amy Nelson train at Fasi Sports. 
Q: I don’t want to fight. Is it OK to take classes solely for fitness purposes? 
A: Yes. At Fasi Sports, all the classes are taught for fitness purposes. The classes are designed so that you and a partner are primarily hitting a heavy bag. The class makes for a great upper and lower body workout. 
Q: How do I get started? 
A: Give us a call at (702) 558-7400 to schedule your first workout FREE or CONTACT us!